We welcome you to join our free online community which is dedicated to raising awareness and supporting those affected by endometriosis.
By becoming a member you can help us to expand our reach within the community, strengthen our voice, a united voice advocating for change. As a member your insights are invaluable.
You must be 18 years of age to become a member. If you are under 18 please ask a parent/guardian to sign up on your behalf as we wish to support all those affected by endometriosis.
We would be grateful if you could answer the optional questions below to help us provide a focused approach to meet the needs of the endometriosis community.
The data collected will not to be shared with any third party and this is only for EAI purposes to provide a better service to its members.
Disclaimer: The information provided by the EAI does not constitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your healthcare provider if you have questions about your health or before starting any treatment.